There's a serious problem. I'm not sure if I've lost my mind (completely). You see, for as long as I can remember, I have
loathed Mondays. We're just not friends, Monday and I. We have one of those hate-hate relationships going on. Until today. And the next Monday. And the next, and the one after that. Until I come home- wherever that is.
I started off my Monday as usual, moaning and groaning as I got up, wishing I was still in Shanghai with my AMAZING friends, made my powerpoint for ELE, and got ready to teach. ELE was completely fine, but I still hated Monday... Until, I picked my kids up for class today. They're always crazy on Mondays. So much so, that I've wondered if their parents feed them straight crack the entire weekend, but class today was amazing. I was having so much fun with those little crazies. I genuinely did not want class to end. I could play with them all day. Two and half hours is just not enough!! My SPE is Kitchen this week. We made smiles out of apples, peanut butter, and marshmallows. Guess who forgot their frackin' camera today? Yup, this teacher right here. I'm so sad to announce that I don't have any pictures of their adorable faces covered in peanut butter sticky cuteness.
Let's backtrack a little. I have a lot to catch up on. Whoops.
Friday after teaching, Megan, Kate, Paul, and I headed to the train station for Shanghai! We missed the train that we originally wanted to take so we waited around in a McDonalds for the next one. We usually take the slow trains because they're extremely cheap and only take 2 1/2 hours, but they were sold out until really late. We opted to pay more and take a fast train. It was really cool, and only took an hour! Right outside the train station we ate at this cheap Italian place. It was delicious in every way! I *may* have gotten pizza
and ravioli. There might have been garlic bread and a bottomless coke in there somewhere too, but my memory is so foggy that I just can't remember for sure :) After dinner we took a cab to our hostel. I love how I never had taken a taxi in my life before I got to China and now it's a main mode of transportation.
Our hostel was really nice! Except that the internet was jank. When we were checking in, Megan said she hoped there was no one else in our room (we were staying in a six bed dorm so most of the time you get paired up with strangers). Paul disagreed, saying he'd really like to meet some new people. We opened the door to find two 65 to 70-year-old people. It was hilarious. We decided to walk around and see what there was to see and didn't find much, besides that every one of us is completely retarded when it comes to sense of direction. Except Paul, but even he slipped up that night. Outside the hostel there was a patio thing so we sat out there and just watched the world go by. But, this is China, and nothing is ever calm, cool, or collected.
A taxi drives up to the hostel where this white guy jumps out, picks up his Asian lady friend and carries her limp body to the patio. He sits her in a chair and throws some money at Paul, telling him to go get her some crackers and gatorade. This was one of the weirdest things I've seen in my entire life. It gets better. The lady starts foaming at the mouth and making this clicking noise, proclaiming that she's going to kill the man that she's with. She stands up, knocks over a table and all the drinks on it, and stumbles into the hostel. Megan was smart and walked away to keep from laughing, but I wasn't as sensible, hence why I got chewed out by Creeper McGee for laughing. After the woman left, he informed us that she "wasn't just drunk" as he shakes his jacket and we hear pills rattling around in bottles. Seriously? I'm 99% sure that he drugged that lady at a bar somewhere and did God-knows-what to her. People are freaks.

On Saturday, we went shopping on Nanjing road for most of the day. I spent way too much money (but not really) and knocked out most of the stuff I wanted to buy for people. We had plans on seeing an acrobat show, but the cheap tickets were sold out. Megan and I decided to not fork over the extra 100 kuai so we found a Starbucks and talked about life while Kate and Paul enjoyed the show. I definitely want to see one in Beijing. Afterwards, we went out dancing and had such a great time, barring my encounter with a somewhat violent Irishman. The dude needed to get a grip. These are the things that I will forever be saying to Megan and Kate, "Remember that time in China....."
On Sunday, Megan and I did some more shopping at a market in the metro stop. We ended the Shanghai trip with eating at that Italian place again. It couldn't have been more perfect!