Monday, October 15, 2012

Less Words, More Pictures

I get a little bit insanely jealous that everyone from home is posting pictures of being in hoodies and hats. I can't wait for it to get cool here, although I'm starting to feel like it never will!

On Sunday I did the exact same thing as Saturday, hence why I didn't make a new post. I'm not a fan of the Department of Redundancy Department.

This weeks' ELE topic is seasons. It went pretty well today. The time actually went by pretty quickly. With my ILP kids, we played charades, but not really. They weren't really grasping the concept that you weren't supposed to talk and were only supposed to act out the animals. So it turned into a game where the "actor" would give three clues as to what the animal was. It was a good language activity because they had to come up with the clues on their own. As always, they love anything competitive.

Here are some ridiculously cute pictures of miniature Asians.



Playing with my hair. Apple and Angela!

Alex is weird :)

How freakin' adorable is he?!?!

Ronnie and Jason

My crew!


Bromance :)

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