Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks From China ♥

Well friends, here it is. The day I've been dreading ever since I arrived in China. I've been in Kentucky with my family for Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember. We never have a huge crowd, but they're my crowd.

Today has been a really dreary day. It has poured nonstop. It has, indeed, been perfectly appropriate to my mood. I talk a lot about how I don't want to come home. Except for today. Today, I've been missing home like crazy.

I've been waiting on a package from my mom all this week. Diligently I check the security post for mail, and it hasn't been there. I told Kate that if it wasn't there today, that I was really going to break down and cry. I just wanted one little piece of home for Thanksgiving. We walked to the post together on the way to get our kids today, and it wasn't there. I was crushed :(

There isn't a day that goes by here in China without something interesting or entertaining happening. Thanksgiving is no exception. In class today, we watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I'm sitting in my classroom with my kids when Phyl-one of our native coordinators, a teacher here at the school- comes into my room with another Chinese teacher. She explains that the Chinese teacher will sit with my class while I go with her. It's raining cats and dogs and she says, "We walk outside, okay?" Uhh okay? So she gets out her little umbrella and tries to make my amazon self fit under it with her. Hilarious. She mumbles on about some random topic and then I realize we're walking to the security post. Then she points to a van outside the gate. "Here, okay?" I had no idea what was going on. We walk over to the van and a guy gets out and opens the door. All I'm thinking is, "Seriously? This is how I'm getting sold into the sex trade??" I walked over to the open door, and there it was.

Learning about the Mayflower and Pilgrims. Ricky's face says it all!
 MY PACKAGE!!! However, there was an issue. It was missing almost an entire side of it. Phyl says, "It is broken. If you do not like, we will send it back to America." I probably gave her the most dumbfounded look in the history of forever. I wanted to scream, "Over my dead body will you send it back!!!" I had to sign something saying that I accepted it as it was and then she barked some orders for the security guards to carry it all the way over to my dorm building and up those wonderful five flights of stairs to my room. Needless to say, I was writhing with excitement so the last hour and a half of class was torture. Finally, I got to come open my package!

My mother is too good to me, that's all I'll say. Although. I do have a small bone to pick with this little lady. I wake up this morning and get on Facebook. At the top of my newsfeed? A picture of her perfectly manicured hand with an enormous rock on it. The woman got engaged and I got to find out about it on Facebook!!! Anyways, I am so incredibly happy for her and John. He really does seem like Mr. Right, and let's hope he really is. Took long enough for her to find him :) I definitely approve!

So, being in China has put my life into complete perspective for me. No one understands everything that you take for granted on a daily basis until you're stripped of it all. It's really hit me since I've lived here that I have NO freedoms. None. I can't even get on Facebook or Blogger without paying to use a proxy. I have to censor what I say in public. Politically, China is kind of a terrifying place to be. Everything that I once had in America is now worth gold to me. While my kids were watching the movie today, I came up with a list of things I'm thankful for this year. And you get to read it! You lucky ducks, you! Here we go with my list of what I am most thankful of all for....

1. My freedoms as a citizen of the United States of America. I wouldn't trade that for anything and I promise I'm gonna enjoy it a lot more once I get back there. Of those 30 countries that I listed the other day, nearly all of them expressed a desire to live in America. It really opens your eyes to hear people talk about your home the way that they do. America is admired all over the globe for our freedoms.

2. My mom. I have the most chaotic relationship with this woman out of anyone that I know. She's taken pretty good care of me from 10,000 miles away. In her letter that was included in my package today, she said, "I'm incredibly proud of your courage and hope that maybe I have taught you some of that." Oh, mom. If only you knew. The truth is, you'll never know how much I've learned from you. You're the only one that I can credit my hard-headed resilience to and I am so proud of you for overcoming all that you have in your short life and teaching me to never settle. Everyone thinks we're a lot alike in a lot of ways, but we're especially alike in our desires to travel and be on the go until there's nothing left to see- which will never happen! I can't wait for us to take a huge trip together, hopefully to China.... :)

3. My best friend, Lucas. I could rant and rave about him all day and all night and still have more to tell you. He is wonderful in every way. His patience, never-ending support, and infinite love are a few of many, many things that I adore about him. He's my other half. The only person in the entire world who doesn't annoy me the least bit no matter how much time I spend with him. He is such a good person. We're so very opposite in a lot of ways. I get angry and upset so easily and he has a way of calming that in me. To be as sappy as possible, he is my everything. I love him so much. After this four months, I don't think there's anything that we couldn't get through together.

Also, I am so thankful for his family. I love them like my own- all of them, but especially his mom. Lucas is such a mama's boy and I can't blame him. She is a really fabulous lady. I really enjoy going to Indiana for the weekend to get to see everyone. They're a blast to be around, and, someone always has a baby! What's not to love about that? :)

4. My siblings. Oh, where to start. My brother is my hero. I admire him so much and am so proud of him. No one gets under my skin quite as well as he does, but he's also one of very few who I think genuinely understands me. I'm gonna force him to walk me down the aisle one day. He's just that special to me. I love him so very, very much.

Elysia, my bilo. No one can fight and love each other like we do. My Lord. We've been through the ringer together. We've actually just always been together. Growing up, I may have hated having a sister so close in age to me. And now, we are the best of friends. If I need something, she's my girl. We would do anything for each other. No one knows me like she does- the pure, unedited, me. She's going to do big things in this world and I'm so proud to call her my sister.

Alexandra! Family gatherings would not be the same without you! We're always on the same page when it comes to social family awkward issues. We always seems to look at each other at the same time and bust out laughing at something ridiculous. You have such a big heart, it makes me smile. I like to think we're a lot alike in that way. I know you would do anything for anyone you love and I'm the same way. We have a lot in common both in personality and in what we like to do for fun.

Chelsea, my bug sister. Okay, maybe that joke is way outdated. Or maybe not :) Oh, Chelsburt. I tend to think of you and Camryn as more like daughters or nieces than sisters. I've always been so motherly to you. Your uniqueness constantly makes me laugh. Your weird hats, your unprovoked random comments (Frogs are AWESOME!) and your overall obsession with reptiles and amphibians describe you to a tee. I miss going to your soccer games and staying afterwards to help you learn a few things from the old pro, yours truly! Haha. I miss your silly self.

Camryn, oh Camryn. I love how you hijack the webcam whenever I'm skyping with mom. I adore your personality and how you dare to be different. I miss coming over and having you bombard me with the most random facts known to mankind. Your eagerness to share information with people makes me smile. I can't wait to give you your present from China. I spent the most money on you over anyone else. You should feel totally special. I know that you are going to LOVE it and I'm so excited to give it to you.

Samantha, the baby. This little girl, who is not actually all that little anymore, is definitely a Little Miss Thang. So sassy and so adorable. I love your sense of style and your attitude. You're one of those people who is wise way beyond your years. You impress me with how well you do in Speech! I love having a baby sister to beat up on and to love on.

5. Karmyn Grace. If you read my post from October 16, you know all about this little blue-eyed beauty who I love with every ounce of my being. She is so, so precious to me. I love hearing that giggle more than anything. I only wish that she could stay small for forever.

6. My step mama, Michelle. It's really scary how much we're alike with no blood relation :) You're one of the most helpful people in my life. You always give the best advice on every situation and I know that you only want the best for me. In this aspect, I'm so glad that my life didn't turn out like a Disney movie! You rock, and I'm so grateful that you're a part of my life.

7. My grandparents. All four of them mean the world to me. They've all played a significant part in who I am today and I am eternally grateful that I've had the opportunity to enjoy my grandparents as much as I have, and I consider myself immensely blessed that they've been so involved in my life.

9. My aunts and uncles. I have some pretty fabulous ones. My Aunt Cherri and Uncle Scott have been like parents to me. I owe being able to buy Sophia (my car) to them! I am eternally thankful for everything you have done for me and I miss you both like crazy. I miss talking sports with my Uncle Scott and sitting in the kitchen while my Aunt Cherri makes chocolate chip cookies or breakfast. Some of my very best memories include these two people. I don't know what I would do without them. And then, there's my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jerry in Ohio. They, too, have done a lot for me. I lived with them for almost a year. Lisa and I had a list of shows to watch together almost every night. I miss those days and I can't wait for Christmas Eve dinner this year! We always have such a blast.

10. My amazing, awesome friends. Megan, Alison, Leah, McKenzie, and Kate. You all keep me sane and I love you more than you'll ever know <3

11. Everyone who donated to my program fee with ILP. I will never be able to thank you enough. I can't put into words what this experience has meant to me. It has changed my life for the better. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

12. My sweet little China babies here in Changzhou. I really, truly love them. I would do anything for them. They're like my own children. I really want to adopt from China someday.

13. My education

14. My job

15. American food

16. The people of China and their hospitality

17. Western toilets

18. Conditioner

19. Easy Mac

20. Emily (my fwuffay puppay :))

21. Rainboots. Those things make me absolutely giddy. I love a rainy day just so I have an excuse to wear them and splash through all the biggest puddles like I'm five years old.

22. Hostels

23. Fast trains

24. Tsingtao

25. Carpet

26. Houses

27. Seatbelts

28. Hot water

29. Ohio

30. Kentucky

31. My bed. Even though it's literally a chunk of plywood, at least I have one.

32. Packages from home! Shout outs to- my mom, my step mom, McKenzie, Leah, Jeremiah, and my aunt Lisa! You guys are the best!

33. Megan's nook

34. Clorox wipes

35. Travel size packs of Kleenex

36. Washer and dryer!!!!!!

37. My health

38. The health of my family

39. Inside jokes

40. The mountains of Tennesssee

41. My coworkers! Especially my third shifters Roger and DeeDee

42. My car

43. My boys- Fields, Ryan, and Tyler. I love and miss them so much!

44. Waterproof shoes

45. Faith in God

46. Microwave instant brownies

47. The very best China roommate that I could ever have, EVER!

48. Candles

49.  My camera- that has captured endless memories and experiences for me since I've been here

50. The love from these little people who call me "Teacha Kayla"

The soy milk had exploded within the package, soaking everythingg inside and making that massive crater in the box.

The look on my face when I saw oatmeal cookies in front of my face :)


Looks disgusting, eh? I did not care one bit. 

The culprit of the leak.

Yum. Yum. Yum.

My mound :)

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