Saturday, September 1, 2012

Downtown Exploring and I'm Going to Starve

Yep, I said it. I'm going to starve. There's another one of those exaggerations, I warned you that there'd be a lot. Okay, I know I'm not going to starve, but for the first time in my life I am having to think of ways to get more calories. Because, well, some of the things they are trying to feed us are not exactly edible. I've already hacked into my stash of crackers.

Let me take a few steps back. I will start with lunch yesterday since I made my last post right before heading to lunch.

Okay. So the top left in the bowl is bamboo soup with bones in it (we think), the top middle is shrimp, whole, and tomatoes and eggs, top right is beef with tofu (I think), bottom left is regular rice, middle is squid with some kind of vegetable, and lastly some other kind of  vegetable that I have no Earthly idea of what it is. All I know is that it was really bitter and tough/stringy.

 I tried the green stuff, the bamboo soup, the vegetables in the squid, the beef, and the eggs and tomatoes. And obviously the rice :)
Close up of the shrimp/tomatoes/eggs.

So after we stomached all we could enjoyed lunch, we headed into town to the bank and supermarket. The bank was a total bust. We got in line for the atms, and one of the workers came up to us and said we couldn't use them because there was no money in them. I watched three Chinese people in front of me take money out!!! They were just being total jerks and I think they wanted us to leave.

At the supermarket we got a few things that we needed like toilet paper, which is totally weird here. Of all the things I knew I was going to miss about America, I never thought toilet paper would be one of them. I also got some Tide and these awesome fruit drinks that taste like Tang. In China they have the craziest flavors of chips. Blueberry? Yep, they have it. I got Mediterranean Roasted Chicken flavored Lays and they're pretty tasty. Kate and I also invested in some soy sauce because it would make the cafeteria food better. 


When we were walking around after the supermarket, we stumbled across this bakery. A Godsend, my friends. Chinese bread is SO good. So I got these two things. The longer shaped one is BBQ Ham bread and the other thing was a tomato mozzarella muffin. They were bomb. 

My yummy snacks

After we got back, we had a meeting and then everyone wanted to go to the night market. I wasn't feeling well so I stayed at home and skyped my brother for a few hours and that was really awesome. 

On today's agenda? Find the post office and maybe a park that can we can play in!

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