Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm Sick.

I'm afraid I have nothing great/exciting to report. I stayed in bed all day and I didn't teach. It was Teacher Appreciation Day today here at the school, so Kate brought back a few gifts from the kids. Dove chocolate, which is very expensive here, stuffed animals, cards, and even a rose that lights up. They are so sweet! But I also heard that they were devils today, which is unfortunate. I thought we had been making progress!

I really hope that I'm almost done with this sickness. My esophagus can't take much more! I'm just getting really weak from not eating and throwing up all the moisture in my body. Too many details? Okay, I'll stop there.

I have decided that I wouldn't be as homesick if I weren't missing out on my favorite season. I miss all the festivals and especiallyyy the high school football games. The only sign of Fall in China is that it seems to be cooling down, which is definitely a plus.

I miss the dumbest things about America. Like toilet paper and being able to sit on the ground. I love China in a lot of ways, but I will never get over how gross it is. I even miss driving. See? It's mostly dumb stuff. I really miss pumpkin everything, including pumpkin spice lattes. *Wiping drool from keyboard*

Of course, I also miss the people from home. Lucas, my mom, Lucas' parents, my sisters, my family in Kentucky, my friends, my boys, and little miss Emily. It's hard feeling so out of the loop. I have this irrational fear that I will come home and barely know anything about anyone. I also keep asking Lucas how his new woman is. I hope that, too, is irrational haha... Seriously though, stay away from my man!

On to less psychotic topics. You guys should email me. I know you're busy, but I like keeping in touch with everyone and knowing what you're up to, even stuff that seems insignificant to you. Plus, it would give me something to do tomorrow! So do it :) Just to void any excuse, here is my email.

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